Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The final, final, final cut is coming together now. After hearing another groups soundtrack was very similar we decided to make another. Also, the credits are being put on. Generally... its looking pretty good!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Generally we received good reviews from our group after showing them our roughcut. Criticisms were that the strings weren't at the same tempo as the piano and therefore didn't quite fit the way they were meant to. Another criticism that we got (which was expected) was that we didn't have any credits/titles, the reason behind this was that Marcus was ill, and wasn't able to finish them off.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Now that we are in the closing stage of our roughcut we need to decide the names that will be in our titles and displayed along the tiles throughout the shower scene.
A Vision Pictures Film
Billy Cane
Thomas Chazhj
Suzanne Breckenforth
Simon Granston
Parallel will come up last before the end of the opening, we are undecided whether to include people like 'editor' and 'sound' etc.
At last we've decided on our name for the animatic........PARALLEL.
We think it works well because it's the perfect word to describe the two characters living their lives but on a different scale of wealth and lifestyle. This works even more so for the storyboard in the opening because the audience is watching the two characters almost mirroring the other persons actions.
Labels: Matt
Reflecting over Animatic
Generally, we received positive reviews on our animatic and most people appreciated the idea that we were going for. Some people stated that it was too obscure and that they didn't really understand how it was supposed to be a thriller, our response to this was that's the whole point, we were trying incorporate some mystery. However being told this is beneficial because its possible that it's too obscure, and that adjusments could be made.
Watching other groups animatic was interesting, some better than others!!
Labels: Matt
Friday, December 5, 2008
During filming we have had the idea to hide the full identity of both characters to begin with by hiding their face. This makes the audience subconsciously question who the person is. Further into the clip we show the faces of the characters and finally their names and that is where the story comes from.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Our titles are going to be integrated into the image that we are going to be showing at the time we want to show them. We won't be freeze framing the scene, we will just be holding the clip for longer while the titles can go. We want the text to move with the scene so it seems more realistic. As one of the scene is in the shower and mainly based there, we will have a water theme to the titles. I have tried to make the text seem like its part of the water by choosing the right font and modifying it by warping certain sections so it looks like it is dripping. The programmes we will mainly be using are Final Cut Express and Photoshop.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Brainstorm has taken place!!!
The idea of two separate characters has developed... we're now thinking of making them brothers. The rich one has his name on a business card which he throws on a table (or something), and then the poor one makes phone call(the idea being that he is being told his target) and he is surprised at the surname. Also the name of the film has started to come together... GRIP .